University Students Experiencing Humanistic Buddhism and Culture

November 18, 2023

On November 18th, a group of 20 young students from the Buddha’s Light Clubs at the University of Toronto, the University of Waterloo, and Wilfrid Laurier University visited the Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Temple of Toronto. The Abbess, Venerable Chueh Fan, encouraged the students to explore the history of FGS and understand Venerable Master HsingYun's aspirations. During the introduction, Venerable Chueh Fan introduced FGS's four objectives, emphasizing the significance of Education and Culture. 

At the main shrine, Venerable Chueh Fan explained to the students about the establishment and origins of FGS and the Toronto temple and handed out Humanistic Buddhism booklets. Afterwards, Venerable Zhi Guan guided and explained to the students the history and mission of FGS Temple of Toronto, illustrating the integration of traditional and modern Humanistic Buddhism, and the correlation between Dharma and daily life. They also visited the special exhibition “The Compassionate Life of Venerable Master Hsing Yun – A Humanistic Buddhism Practitioner Memorial Exhibition,” to learn more about Master's life and his compassion through images and video. 

After a delicious vegetarian meal, Venerable Chueh Fan gave a lecture in English to the youth in the Conference Room. Through a documentary produced by BLTV, she vividly described the four main objectives promoted by FGS: Propagate Buddhist teachings through cultural activities, nurture talents through education, benefit societies through charitable programs, and purify human hearts and minds through Buddhist practices. Sharing her own experiences in studying Buddhism, Venerable Chueh Fan pointed out the Venerable Master's emphasis on education and talent cultivation. Through a Q & A session, she elaborated on how Master Hsing Yun led FGS and BLIA in contributing to world peace. She encouraged the students to actively participate in temple activities and events, inspiring them to apply Buddhist teachings in their daily lives. 

The Superintendent of FGS Temple of Toronto and Guiding Venerable of the Buddha’s Light Club, Venerable Zhi Guan used Buddhist chanting, 'A Day in the Life of Buddhist', and ‘Sounds of Human World’ music series, 'Song of Three Acts of Goodness', to engage the participants and showcasing the Master Hsing Yun’s wisdom on the versatile ways to engage in Humanistic Buddhism. Following this, she gave an overview of Buddhist terminology and etiquette, aiming to inspire students to see traditional and modern aspects of Humanistic Buddhism flourishing in harmony.  

The visit not only enriched the students' understanding of Buddhism but also allowed them to witness the kindness and inclusiveness of Humanistic Buddhism. Everyone expressed that this trip provided a deeper insight into the rich content and social value of Humanistic Buddhism. They look forward to returning to the temple for future activities.

On November 18th, agroup of 20 young students from the Buddha’s Light Clubs at the University ofToronto, the University of Waterloo, and Wilfrid Laurier University visited theFo Guang Shan (FGS) Temple of Toronto.
Venerable Chueh Fan explained to the students about the establishment and origins of FGS and the Toronto temple
Everyone expressed that this trip provided a deeper insight into the rich content and social value of Humanistic Buddhism.

Venerable Chueh Fan introduced FGS's four objectives, emphasizing the significance of Education and Culture.

Venerable Zhi Guan gave an overview of Buddhist terminology and etiquette.
Venerable Zhi Guan guided and explained to the students the history and mission of FGS Temple of Toronto, illustrating the integration of traditional and modern Humanistic Buddhism
Students visited the special exhibition “The Compassionate Life of Venerable Master Hsing Yun – A Humanistic Buddhism Practitioner Memorial Exhibition,” to learn more about Master's life and his compassion through images and video.
Venerable Zhi Guan used Buddhist chanting, 'A Day in the Life of Buddhist', and ‘Sounds of HumanWorld’ music series, 'Song of Three Acts of Goodness', to engage the participants and showcasing the Master Hsing Yun’s wisdom on the versatile ways to engage in Humanistic Buddhism.