Toronto Buddha’s Light Children Paying Final Respects to Ven. Master Hsing Yun

February 12, 2023

Ven. Master Hsing Yun founded Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto with the objectives to propagate the Dharma through culture and to foster talents through education. On Feb.12, children from FGS Temple of Toronto Chinese School, 6th Meadowvale Scouts and Dragon & Lion Dance Team, led by the teachers and leaders, paid gratitude to the Master in the Main Shrine.

In the morning of Feb.12, 45 members from FGS Temple of Toronto Chinese School paid respects to the Master with flower offerings. Venerable Man Yee encouraged the children to learn compassion and gratitude, to be grateful that Venerable Master Hsing Yun built the Buddhist temple in Toronto, promoting Chinese culture and to be grateful for our teachers’ patience and our parents’ caring.  She also led the children in making vows to always do the three acts of goodness, four givings and gratefulness. 

In the afternoon, Scouts and Dragon & Lion Dance team paid respect to the Master with flower offerings as well. Venerable Man Yee hoped everyone would follow the Master’s way of compassion. Scouts leader Ken Choi spoke about the history of the Scouts. The motion was proposed during the 1996 BLIA World Conference. With support from FGS Temple of Toronto and BLIA Toronto Chapter, it was passed in 1997. He also emphasized that the 6th Meadowvale Scouts’ learning program corresponds to the World Scouts organization’s mission to develop a well-rounded youth group improving their intelligence, physical strength and spirituality.

The Dragon & Lion Dance team leader Changhuang Li led the team members to express their sincere thanks to the Master. Without FGS Temple Toronto, there will be no Dragon & Lion Dance team.

45 members of the FGS Toronto Chinese School pay respect to Ven. Master Hsing Yun
Teachers from FGS Chinese School led the students in Flower Offering to the Master
Teaches from FGS Toronto Chinese School led students in making a vow
6th Meadowvale Scouts leader Ken Choi led Scouts members, paying respect to Ven. Master Hsing Yun
Cubs, Scouts, Ventures members paying respect to Ven. Master Hsing Yun
The Dragon & Lion Dance team leader Changhuang Li led the team members, paying respect to Ven. Master Hsing Yun
The Dragon & Lion Dance team express their thanks to Ven. Master Hsing Yun