Thousands Gather to Honor Buddha's Birthday at Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto

May 12, 2024

Toronto, May 12, 2024 – In a grand celebration that marked both Buddha's Birthday and Mother's Day, the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto hosted a series of celebration events. The festivities included the Bathing the Buddha Ceremony, the opening of a Multimedia Brushwork Art Exhibition, a 3D theatre screening of "The Buddha" in the meditation hall, and a special flower offering session in honour of mothers. These activities provided attendees with a profound understanding and experience of the ‘Eight Stages of Buddha’s Progress.'

Over a thousand participants joined in the celebrations, reflecting on Buddha's teachings and expressing appreciation for mothers. The event began with an energetic Lion Dance, followed by a solemn recitation of the Ode to the Triple Gem. Eighty-four representatives from BLIA members, youth, Scouts and children presented traditional offerings to the Buddha, including incense, fruit, tea, jewels, pearls, lamps, and flowers, in a ceremony that was both solemn and deeply moving.

Venerable Chueh Fan, the Abbess of the FGS Temple of Toronto, presided over the Dharma service,which included the recitation of ‘A Prayer for the Buddha's Birthday’ by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan. In her welcome speech, Venerable Chueh Fan explained the significance of Buddha's Birthday and the 'Bathing the Buddha' ritual, emphasizing the importance of a respectful heart, a purified mind, and rediscovering one's Buddha-nature.

Venerable Chueh Fan also highlighted Venerable Master Hsing Yun's dedication to spreading the Buddha's teachings through various means, aiming to foster happiness and peace. She noted that youth and children would offer flowers to mothers, wishing thema happy Mother’s Day. Additionally, renowned artist Mr. Henry Ho's 'Multimedia Brushwork Art Exhibition' on the second floor, and the third-floor Meditation Hall featuring 'The Buddha' 3D Theater, invited participants to experience the ‘Eight Stages of Buddha’s Progress’ through various artistic and meditative expressions.

The event was graced by several distinguished guests, including the Artist, Mr. Henry Ho; Ms. Ally Cai, Dean of the Institute of Arts at the Canadian National Artists Association; Ms. Lien Chao, Internal Vice-Presidentof the Canadian Foundation for Asian Culture; Mrs. Mabel Lam, President of the BLIA Toronto Chapter; Venerable Miaole from the Hamilton Hermitage; and Venerable Xinlian.

In his address,Mr. Henry Ho expressed gratitude for the opportunity to host the Multimedia Brushwork Art Exhibition during Buddha's Birthday celebrations. He viewed his artwork as offerings that convey inner thoughts and experiences across different times and spaces, hoping to gift attendees with hisartistic expression.

Mrs. Mabel Lamappreciated the thoughtful arrangements by the Venerables, which allowed formeaningful celebrations of both Buddha's Birthday and Mother's Day. She reaffirmed the FGS Toronto and BLIA Toronto Chapter’s commitment to promoting Humanistic Buddhism and extended warm wishes to all mothers.

The eventconcluded with the chanting of the 'Bathing the Buddha Verse,' led by Abbess Venerable Chueh Fan, followed by youth and childrenpresenting 'chocolate flowers' to mothers, symbolizinggratitude. Attendees then explored exhibitions, watched the 3D film 'The Buddha,' participated in meditation sessions, and enjoyed performances including dragon and lion dances and martial arts demonstrations. The meticulously crafted Lumbini Garden and Bathing the Buddha pool in the main shrine, adorned with intricate images and flower arrangements, left a lasting impression on everyone present.

The Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto held a grand "2024 Celebration of Buddha's Birthday and Mother's Day" series of events on May 12th, featuring a solemn and magnificent Buddha Bathing Ceremony. Over a thousand people gathered to celebrate Buddha's Birthday. (Photo by Tracy Liu)
The performance of auspicious Lion Dance marking the beginning of the activities. (Photo by Harry Ho)
The Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto held a grand "2024 Celebration of Buddha's Birthday and Mother's Day" series of events on May 12th, with representatives of BLIA Toronto presenting the offering of fruit. (Photo by Tracy Liu)
The Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto hosted a grand "2024 Celebration of Buddha's Birthday and Mother's Day" series of events on May 12th, with volunteers representing the guests in presenting the offering of tea. (Photo by Tracy Liu)
The Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto hosted a grand "2024 Celebration of Buddha's Birthday and Mother's Day" series of events on May 12th, with youth representatives presenting the offering of treasures. (Photo by Tracy Liu)
Scout representatives presenting the offering of pearls. (Photo by Tracy Liu)
Venerable Chueh Fan explaining the origin of the Bathing the Buddha Festival and the meaning of "Bathing the Buddha." (Photo by Harry Ho)
The opening ceremony of the "Multimedia Brushwork Art Exhibition."
Former YAD leader Joanna Chu and family returning to the temple for Buddha’s birthday. (Photo by Harry Ho)
Beaver Scout leader David Leung guiding young scouts in bathing the Buddha. (Photo by TracyLiu)
'The Buddha' 3D Theater