Peace and Joy Creative Lantern Painting Activity for Fo Guang People

November 19, 2023

FGS Temple of Toronto hosted the "Peace and Joy Creative Lantern Painting" activity on November 19th in support of the 2024 Lantern Painting Competition at Fo Guang Shan Temple. Over 150 participants of various age groups joined the activity, including Buddha’s Light Children Dharma Class, FGS Toronto Chinese School, Toronto Buddha’s Light Scouts, FGS Toronto Lion and Dance Team, BLIA Toronto YAD, and Fo Guang people. The Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, Venerable Chueh Fan praised the enthusiasm of all, anticipating that it would contribute to the festive atmosphere of Lunar New Year at Fo Guang Shan Monastery. 

Venerable Chueh Fan also complimented the involvement of both children and their parents. Fo Guang Children are little Bodhisattvas and they are encouraged to practice the Three Acts of Goodness: Do good deeds, Speak good words, and Think good thoughts. Participating in activities is a form of doing good deeds and an offering to convey the message of peace and joy to more people. The lanterns painted by the participants will be submitted to Fo Guang Shan Monastery for competition. During the Lunar New Year, these lanterns will be lit up and displayed at Fo Guang Shan Monastery, illuminating the Monastery for millions of visitors. Venerable Chueh Fan expressed hope for children to visit the Fo Guang Shan Monastery alongside their families in the future. 

Venerable Zhi Guan, the Superintendent of FGS Temple of Toronto, explained the origin and rules of the activity. The Lantern Painting Competition at Fo Guang Shan Monastery aims to apply the theme of Carefree, Peace and Joy, as well as the Three Acts of Goodness into colouring and painting, and to advocate the beauty of our country and humanity. 

The activity kicked off with volunteers from FGS Toronto Chinese School showcasing their creative works and demonstrating painting techniques for everyone. Soon after, children and parents immersed themselves in drawing and painting lanterns. Parents activelyparticipated, enjoying the creative process with their children. One parent was amazed by the boundless imagination and creativity reflected in the children’s unique drawings. They were thankful for the meaningful activity organized by the temple. 

This activity serves the purpose of passing on cultural heritage and fostering an understanding of Chinese culture and traditional festivals among children. The illumination of the lanterns has the power to ignite compassion and wisdom in every heart, radiating brightness and harmony throughout the world. A concluding group photo beautifully captured memories of this creative and joyous family time. 

A concluding group photo beautifully captured memories of this creative and joyous family time.