Opening of the Compassionate Life of Venerable Master Memorial Exhibition

May 16, 2023

On May 16th, also known as Buddha’s Light Day, Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Temple of Toronto launched a series of commemorative events and activities for remembering the late founder of FGS,Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Specifically, The Compassionate Life of Venerable Master Hsing Yun ~ A Humanistic Buddhism Practitioner Memorial Exhibition was officially opened to the public. In the evening, a global Sutra transcription cultivation was held in the Main Shrine to mark the 57th anniversary of the establishment of FGS Monastery. Both the Venerables and the lay congregation solemnly gathered to recite and transcribe the Heart Sutra as a tribute to Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s legacy. 

In Toronto, the Abbess, Venerable Chueh Fan, led 133 devotees in attendance to listen attentively to the explanation of the procedures of the Global Live Sutra Transcription Cultivation broadcast from the FGS Headquarters. With sincere and purifying minds, the masses saw clips of Dharma lectures from the late Venerable Master before the Sutra transcription began. 

Venerable Chueh Fan expressed appreciation to the devotees who spent their evening driving and partaking in the Sutra transcription. She hoped that the Temple community, through the Memorial Exhibition, would gain deeper insights into the Venerable Master’s lifelong work of propagating Humanistic Buddhism. Breaking down the Venerable Master’s life into ten chapters allowed people to see and emulate the wisdom, compassion, and vows that so defined FGS’s late founder. 

Young adult participants shared how Sutra transcriptions connect to their life experiences. Ivy Li said that whenever she encountered troubles in life, she would sincerely recite the Heart Sutra; and, somehow the negative thoughts in her mind would resolve naturally. She truly felt calm and peaceful during her first experience of practicing the Sutra transcription. Owen Deng, a PhD candidate at York University expressed how participation in the Global Sutra Transcription felt especially extraordinary. He dedicated the merits from this Buddhist cultivation to the masses wholeheartedly.

FGS Toronto launched a series of commemorative events for the late founder of FGS, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, starting with the The Compassionate Life of Venerable Master Hsing Yun ~ A Humanistic Buddhism Practitioner Memorial Exhibition in the Temple’s Buddhist Museum.
Besides the Memorial Exhibition, Live Global Sutra Transcription Cultivation was held to also mark the 57th anniversary of establishment of FGS. The Abbess led the devotees to partake in the cultivation sincerely and listened along to be Dharma lectures broadcast attentively 
On Buddha’s Light Day 2023, 133 devotees gathered in the Main Shrine for transcribing the Heart Sutra
The devotees marked the 57th establishment of the FGS Monastery and paid tribute to the late Venerable Master Hsing Yun by Sutra transcription
The devotees marked the 57th establishment of the FGS Monastery and paid tribute to the late Venerable Master Hsing Yun by Sutra transcription.
The 133 participants in the Global Sutra Transcription Cultivation dedicated the merits from this Buddhist practice to all beings
People of all ages paid close attention as they transcribed the Sutra.
A picture of Ivy from the BLIA’s Young Adult Division (second from the left) concentrated on Sutra transcription.
The 133 participants in the Global Sutra Transcription Cultivation dedicated the merits from this Buddhist practice to all beings.