FGS and BLIA Toronto Commit to Coexistence and Co-prosperity: 2024 World Religion Prayers for Peace and Buddha’s Light Vegetarian Food Fair

June 9, 2024

June 9th, the "2024 World Religion Prayers for Peace and Buddha’s Light Vegetarian Food Fair," co-hosted by Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto and the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) Toronto Chapter, unfolded with great fanfare at the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto. The event, which brought together representatives from various religions to offer joint prayers for peace in Canada and worldwide, was eagerly anticipated by the community. With over a thousand attendees, the event saw enthusiastic participation from government representatives at all three levels, the police, various faith leaders, community organizations, and numerous community members. This health-conscious, environmentally friendly, and warm-hearted vegetarian food fair was hailed as a resounding success.

The Inter-faith Prayer for World Peace commenced at 10 am, with the reading of the Indigenous Land Acknowledgement, expressing gratitude to the land that provides a beautiful environment and nurtures all living things. Venerable Chueh Fan, the Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, led the monastics and the public in chanting the Heart Sutra, setting a contemplative tone. Abbess Venerable Chueh Fan then read the Founder of FoGuang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun's "Prayer for World Peace," followed by heartfelt messages from representatives of Catholicism, Judaism, Theravada Buddhism, Islam, and the Bahá'í Faith. Each emphasized the event's significance and necessity, particularly in times marked by racial hatred and the threat of war. Each representative offered prayers in their religious tradition, united in their wishes for an end to conflict, global peace, and the happiness and well-being of all people.

In her welcome speech, Venerable Chueh Fan expressed heartfelt gratitude for the support and enthusiastic participation from all. She noted that since Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto's completion in August 1997, BLIA members, devotees, and the monastic community have been dedicated to serving the community and promoting world peace. She quoted the aspiration of Fo Guang Shan’s founder and BLIA’s founding president, Venerable Master HsingYun:

With a mind as vast and boundless as emptiness,
A body like an unbound boat that sails the ocean of Dharma.
What merit and virtue have I accomplished in this lifetime?
Peace and happiness shine upon the five continents.

She also invoked the Buddha’s teaching of the "Six Harmonies" to call for harmony in thoughts, systems, economy, spirit,language, and actions, as essential paths to achieving peace.

BLIA Toronto Chapter President, Ms. Mabel Lam expressed heartfelt thanks to monastics, and BLIA members, acknowledging that the successof the Food Fair was due to the dedicated efforts and support of the volunteers. She wished everyone a joyful day with their families. Lam mentioned that BLIA Toronto Chapter recently submitted a "Meatless Monday" proposal to Parliament, which is currently under review. She called on the attending representatives from various sectors and media friends to support and help promote the initiative, demonstrating the power of collective action for coexistence and co-prosperity.

The event garnered enthusiastic support from prominent community leaders and government officials, with special messages from The Hon. Rechie Valdez, Minister of Small Business, and Member of Parliament Iqra Khalid, who conveyed congratulations from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The Prime Minister recognized the event as bringing together people of different faiths and backgrounds, fostering understanding, respect, and appreciation of diverse religions, and underscoring the importance of working together forworld peace and a better future.

Federal MP Shaun Chen also sent a congratulatory message, praising Fo Guang Shan and BLIA for organizing this interfaith world peace ceremony and vegetarian Food Fair, highlighting it as a valuable opportunity to unite people of different faiths to promote global peace.

Deputy Director-General Nicolas Hong of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, The Hon. Nina Tangri, MPP of Ontario, Acting Mayor Martin Reid of Mississauga, Mississauga City Councillor Dipika Damerla, and Richmond Hill City Councillor Castro Liu all delivered speeches, expressing their concerns and blessings for peace in the community, the nation, and the world.

Other distinguished guests included Mississauga City Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Tai Chi ink artist Henry Ho, and representatives from the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto, Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation, Carefirst Foundation, Hong Fook Mental Health Association, Markham Stouffville Hospital Foundation, ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development, Mississauga Food Bank, and Peel Regional Police, totaling over 40 individuals. They witnessed the donation ceremony where Fo Guang Shan Temple ofToronto and BLIA Toronto Chapter presented a $10,000 check from the Food Fair proceeds to the Mississauga Food Bank.

The Buddha’s Light Food Fair began eagerly after Venerable Chueh Fan struck the "Peace Bell." More than 30 food stalls around the temple offered a variety of nostalgic classic foods and local specialties, totaling over 90 different dishes and beverages. The fair also featured craft workshops, face painting, basketball games, and a bouncy castle for family fun. Peel Regional Police attended to promote safety, displaying ambulance and police equipment to raise public awareness about life and community safety.

The stage at the Food Fair hosted numerous exciting performances, with interspersed raffles that brought cheers and applause, adding to the event's joy and warmth. In contrast to the bustling Food Fair, the second-floor Buddha’s Cultural Museum presented a "Multi-media Brushwork Art Exhibition" by artist Henry Ho, and the third-floor Meditation Hall screened the 3D movie "The Buddha." These two exhibits will continue until August, inviting community members to visit and experience them.

2024 World Religion Prayers for Peace and Buddha’s Light Vegetarian Food Fair
Venerable Chueh Fan, the Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, led the monastics and the public in chanting the Heart Sutra
The event, which brought togetherrepresentatives from various religions to offer joint prayers for peace inCanada and worldwide.
Heartfelt messages from representatives of Catholicism, Judaism, Theravada Buddhism, Islam, and the Bahá'í Faith.
Each representative offered prayers in their religious tradition, united in their wishes for an end to conflict, global peace, and the happiness and well-being of all people.
She noted that since Fo Guang Shan Temple ofToronto's completion in August 1997, BLIA members, devotees, and the monastic community have been dedicated to serving the community and promoting world peace.
Special messages from The Hon. Rechie Valdez, Minister of Small Business, and Member of Parliament Iqra Khalid, who conveyed congratulations from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
The Prime Minister recognized the event as bringing together people of different faiths and backgrounds, fosteringunderstanding, respect, and appreciation of diverse religions, and underscoringthe importance of working together for world peace and a better future.
Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto and BLIA Toronto Chapter presented a $10,000 check from the Food Fair proceeds to the Mississauga Food Bank.
The Hon. Nina Tangri, MPP of Ontario, Acting Mayor Martin Reid of Mississauga, expressing their concerns and blessings for peace in the community, the nation, and the world.
With over a thousand attendees, the event saw enthusiastic participation from government representatives at all three levels, the police, various faith leaders, community organizations, and numerous community members.
The Buddha’s Light Food Fair began eagerly after Venerable Chueh Fan struck the "Peace Bell."
The Abbess presents the Scout Canada's Long Service Award to Scouter Debbie and Scouter John.
Other distinguished guests included Mississauga City Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Tai Chi ink artist Henry Ho, and representatives from the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto, Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation, Carefirst Foundation, Hong Fook Mental Health Association, Markham Stouffville Hospital Foundation, Erinoak Kids Centre for Treatment and Development, Mississauga Food Bank, and Peel Regional Police, totaling over 40 special guests.
Peel Regional Police attended to promote safety, displaying ambulance and police equipment to raise public awareness about life andcommunity safety.