BLIA Toronto Mississauga Subchapters Hold Earth Day Environmental Action

May 18, 2024

Due to unseasonably cold weather on April 22, the 'Earth Day Environmental Action' event organized by the BLIA Toronto Mississauga 1, 2, 3, and 4 subchapters was rescheduled to May 18. On the new date, 42 members and their families gathered at the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto. Despite recent rain and overcast skies, participants remained committed to beautifying the temple's surroundings.

The event commenced at 9 AM with the recitation of the Heart Sutra, led by Ven. Ruzhong, Superintendent of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto. Venerable Ruzhong praised the participants for their dedication. She emphasized the importance of not only caring for the external environment but also purifying one's inner self.

Following the explanation of tasks and distribution of responsibilities, members set to work. Some cleared fallen branches, leaves, and litter from the parking lots, while others tidied mechanical rooms and tended to flower beds. Additionally, several members focused on meticulously removing dandelions and weeds.

After two hours of diligent effort, bags filled with collected garbage and tools were gathered on the temple's front steps. The day's activities continued after lunch, with members persisting in weed removal and assisting in the kitchen. The event concluded with a sense of fulfillment from a day of dedicated service.

Participants expressed heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to involve the next generation, providing them with a meaningful chance to learn more about Fo Guang Shan and Humanistic Buddhism.

The BLIA Toronto Mississauga 1, 2, 3, and 4 subchapters rescheduled their 'Earth Day Environmental Action' to May 18, with 42 members and their families participating eagerly. (Photo by Tracy Liu)
Members began their tasks after receiving tools. (Photo by Tracy Liu)
Members diligently cleared fallen branches, and leaves, and     picked up litter. (Photo by Tracy Liu)
Members engaged in the removal of dandelions and weeds during the 'Earth Day Environmental Action' held on May 18. (Photo by Tracy Liu)
Members  focused on cleaning the mechanical rooms on the east and west sides of the temple. (Photo by Tracy Liu)
A  member accompanied by her granddaughter. (Photo by Tracy Liu)