BLIA Toronto Members and Children's Dharma Class Extend Heartfelt Gifts to Vulnerable Women on Mother's Day

May 5, 2024

In a heartwarming gesture to celebrate Mother's Day, the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) Toronto English Sub-Chapter and the Children's Dharma Class joined hands to organize 'The Shoebox Project for Women.' The initiative, aimed at fostering compassion and community service, focused on collecting essential items for vulnerable women in community shelters.

The project, which ran for two weeks from April 27th to May 4th, saw active participation from BLIA members. Over 20 boxes were collected, filled with items such as gift cards, toiletries, socks, and chocolates. The collaboration between the English Sub-Chapter and the Children's Dharma Class exemplified the spirit of giving and solidarity within the community.

Juyenty Lim, Vice President of the English Sub-Chapter, expressed gratitude for the active participation of BLIA members. From planning to executing the project, both the English Sub-Chapter and Children's Dharma Class worked together smoothly, harnessing the kindness of the public to serve women in need within the community. It was a successful endeavour.

On May 5th, members of the English Subchapter organized and categorized the donated items, while children and parents from engaged in various activities to honour maternal love. Teachers used this opportunity to share stories about Guanyin (Avalokitesvara) Bodhisattva, and shared stories about compassion and filial piety, encouraging them to appreciate their mothers' unconditional love. Afterwards, the children and parents decorated shoeboxes, created blessing cards, decorated and packaged the shoeboxes, collectively sending their heartfelt wishes. 

Venerable Ru An, the Advising Monastic of the Children's Dharma Class, inspired the children with stories emphasizing the importance of appreciating their mothers' loving-kindness. The Venerable led everyone in dedicating the merits of the day's activities to mothers and all sentient beings. 

Angel, a teacher from the Children's Dharma Class, expressed gratitude towards the English Sub-Chapter for co-hosting this meaningful Mother's Day event, which not only celebrated Mother’s Day but also taught the children about the joyful Buddhist cultivation of giving. She explained that a smile, a greeting, and a kind thought all embody the "Three Acts of Goodness," similar to a farmer sowing seeds - what seems like a loss at first, ultimately yields a rich harvest of internal joy. 

The event concluded with a group photo session, where children proudly displayed their creations, marking a heartwarming conclusion to the day's activities.

BLIA Toronto English Sub-Chapter and Children's Dharma Class collaborated on 'The Shoebox Project for Women' to celebrate Mother's Day with educational and parent-child activities. On May 5th, BLIA members and children worked together to prepare heartfelt gift boxes.
Juyenty Lim, Vice President of the English Sub-Chapter and also a Children's Dharma Class teacher, along with assistant Jing Ru, prepared gift boxes.
Children and their mothers came together on May 5th to decorate the gift boxes with love.
BLIA member Ishan focused on writing blessing cards.
Ven. Ru An, the Guiding Monastic of the Children's Dharma Class, led everyone in dedicating the merits of the day's activities to mothers and the public.
BLIA members and children happily posed for a group photo, marking a heartwarming conclusion to the event.
The coordinator of The Shoebox Project expressed gratitude for the generosity of BLIA members.