BLIA Toronto Echo T-EARTH Tree Planting Action: Building an Urban Forest Through Effort

May 11, 2024

On May 11, in response to the international ‘T-EARTH Tree Planting Action’ initiated by the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) and to promote the concepts of "Environmental Protection and Spiritual Care" advocated by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, the BLIA Toronto Richmond Hill Subchapters 1, 2, and 3 participated in a tree planting event organized by the environmental organization Leaf at Timber Mill. This practical initiative aimed to protect the Earth and foster a connection with nature. A total of 43 BLIA members and community volunteers successfully planted 500 tree seedlings and shrubs.

Before the tree planting, organizers encouraged participants to mindfully experience the harmonious coexistence of nature, prompting reflection on the relationship between humans and nature, as well as between urban environmentsand forests, emphasizing the importance of humans coexisting and thriving withnature, maintaining a harmonious ecological environment to cultivate an urban forest. The activity primarily utilized native tree species, including Canadian maple, pine, and various shrubs, to restore local forest ecology, promote nutrient cycling in the forest, maintain ecological balance, and provide a hospitable habitat for local wildlife.

Under the demonstration and guidance of professionals, participants worked collaboratively, with some digging holes, others stabilizing seedlings and additional tasks such as soil preparation and mulching. Within just two hours, the hillside was transformed with a variety of tree seedlings and shrubs.

During this event, BLIA members and their families actively participated, contributing to the environmental protection efforts and enabling children to deeply connect with nature, thereby raising environmental awareness. Although the seedlings are small, they embody immense vitality and will grow into towering trees, providing shade and shelter. Just as the seeds of "Three Acts of Goodness" are deeply planted in the hearts through participants’ commitment to environmental protection, the vision of the Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s "Five Harmonies" is within reach.

In response to the international 'T-EARTH Tree Planting Action' initiated by the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) and topromote 'Environmental Protection and Spiritual Care,' the BLIA Toronto Richmond Hill Subchapters 1, 2, and 3 participated in a treeplanting event organized by the environmental organization Leaf on May 11, 2024. 43 BLIA members and community volunteers successfully planted 500 tree seedlings and shrubs. (Photo by Calvin)
BLIA members listen to professionals explain. (Photo by Peyton Kong)
Three generations of BLIA members working together. (Photo by Peyton Kong)
BLIA juniors learning about environmental protection. (Photo by Peyton Kong)
BLIA members joyfully share their achievements. (Photo by Peyton Kong)