Fo Guang Shan Temple Dharma Protectors Registration Form


The Origin of Temple Dharma Protectors

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto was inaugurated on August 10, 1997. Over the past years, through various types of chanting ceremonies, as well as the many forms of Buddhism propagation activities and programs, our number of devotees has grown tremendously in this multicultural city of Toronto. Nevertheless, the Temple expenditure, such as utilities fees, gas and electricity costs, finance for the propagation of Dharma through various cultural and educational activities and programs, funding for calamity relief campaigns, rental payments for the Buddha’s Light Centers and many other disbursements have also grown considerably. Among all of the expenses, a huge amount of expenditure is directed mainly towards cultural and educational programs and activities, charity fund, as well as for the sufficient supply of daily meals intake.

Consequently, devotees demand strongly for the establishment of the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Sponsorship Program, in the will of protecting the Temple with one’s own ability and effort. Thus, the need of establishing a committee with the will and resources to protect the Dharma is essential in the hope to flourish Buddhism and benefit the multitude of devotees.

We welcome our Dharma friends and devotees to join the Dharma Protectors.

Merit Transference:



秉持 佛光山開山 星雲大師「人間佛教」的理念,多倫多佛光山於一九九七年八月十日落成啟用以來,隨著各種法會、弘法活動之推展,信眾人數遞增,道場開支亦日益增加,如水電瓦斯、文教、急難救濟及佛光緣租金等,其中尤以文化教育、慈善公益、三餐飲食之款項最為龐大。



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